Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random rant

Internet! How is your day going? Mine, you ask? Very well, mostly because I'm getting out of this pit of a Bay Area today...yes, I'm on the bitter-bus-party-of-one for no particular reason! Know that if you, say, stand too close to me in line, cut me off in traffic or try to start a friendly conversation, I might seriously cut you. I'm in a mood, people. It will pass.

I'm off to the Eastern Sierras to breathe in fresh air, hang with friends, let my dog run free and perhaps make a dent in some of the writing I was supposed to have done a week ago. Perhaps this will be the trip wherein Kylie finally catches the chipmunk that lives under the great boulder outside of the bedroom in which we sleep. I'm sure that she just wants to add it to her dossier of kills, since she doesn't have "1-chipmunk" on her list, but I have this visual of her making friends with it and walking into the cabin, chipmunk in tow and say "Mom? Can we keep her?" to which I'll have to say no, because I don't think she's ready for the responsibility of a pet - when she starts picking up her own poop, we can talk. And then she'll get upset and wail "MOOOOMMMMM you never give me ANNNNYTHING!" to which I'll remind her that I've spent the past six years doing such things as feeding her regularly, walking her daily, letting her sneak up on the bed when she's not supposed to and not beating her senseless when she pukes on the carpet and then she'll think for a moment with a furrowed brow before replying, "Oh yeah, that...well how about we just raise my allowance?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a rant?

Boo hoo, I'm going to a cabin in the mountains boo hoo!