Monday, August 25, 2008

A way with words

Mark D.: God, my ribs are killing me.
Marc S.: Dude, what did you do?
Mark D.: I went over a tree root while biking and went DOWN. My ribs are totally bruised.
Marc S.: Yes, but how is your vagina?

If you are seeking sympathy, just pass right by our house. We're not selling any...although we're happy to scoff at you. THAT, we're very good at.


Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of the word "scoff". Well done!

Squiddo said...

HA HA, I am that funny no? For real though.....I felt bad. For a moment. Funny thing is, Deem never complains so when he does, it's time for perco's.

Mark said...

yeah, it felt weird whining like a schoolgirl about an I woke up in a parallel universe where I'd changed my name to a "c" and married a writer....

Squiddo said...

Deem, quite giving me props already. How is your couche burger anyway?