Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dream academy

Should I be concerned? I had a dream last night that I was waxing Dave Grohl's chest. This didn't come to me until later today when I was listening to Skin & Bones at top volume and had this sudden flash from my subconscious. While he's long been on my own personal "list" - if you catch my drift - I'm amazed as to why my brain, while on hiatus from actually having to think, came up with such a scenario. I mean, Dave singing to me while I'm being fed grapes by Brad Pitt and having my feet massaged by Eddie Vedder makes more sense, you know? THAT I could get on board with...

This? Not so much.


Squiddo said...

Good lord, women can really be BORING in the fantasy department.

In my dream, Sheryl Crow would be bathing the dog. And no, that is not a euphemism for something else. Well, maybe a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Dave Grohl?! Eddie Veder?! ((Retch.)) Jen, put down the tequila bottle and put on some pants. Friends don't let friends fantasize about 90's grunge rock dudes. If you didn't have Brad in the mix I would've had to organize and intervention, or jihad, or something. Eh...I'm lazy...I would've SMSed Angie at a minimum!

Anonymous said...

good lord, I thought my dreams were disturbing . . .