Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here's to getting nothing done...bliss.

I had a long list of what I had hoped to get done while away this weekend, but not much of it came to fruition. Let's see...things I DID accomplish:

1) Watched the entire first season of Mad Men (this takes dedication, people. ONE WHOLE SEASON. IN FOUR DAYS. My eyes are bleeding).
2) Got a massage.
3) Bought new underwear.
4) Drank wine...and tequila!
5) Only put on pants once!
6) Stayed in pajamas well past breakfast.

Things I did NOT accomplish:
1) Assigned writing.
2) Bear sighting.

So...6-to-2...I'm pretty happy with that ratio! Kylie didn't get anything done (i.e. catching her chipmunk) so I'm trying not to rub it in her face that I was more on the ball than she was. Besides, she's pretty pissed that we're home now and she has to make do with the backyard rather than the magnificent field that she had to cavort in all weekend...see:

We have failed her as parents by forcing her to live in suburbia when clearly she is meant to wander and roam. Marc pointed out, though, that by living with us she gets steak in her dog food at regular intervals, plus three dog beds in a two bedroom house and what amounts to a pretty nice pension for not having worked a day in her life. So she can just stop with the whining already.


Ang said...

how was mad men? i'm trying to catch up via OnDemand but it just takes too dang long to watch it. i like it so far - i'm on episode 2. i'm speedy like that.

Jen said...

It's so SO good. One of the best things I've seen in a long time. I would sit through the first season if I were you...there is a marathon of the second season coming up on Saturday, so you can just Tivo that and then catch up when you're done! Am I a problem solver or WHAT?

Anonymous said...

This is the 3rd time this week someone has mentioned Mad Men. It's a sign of divine intervention. I hate being out of the "know" on tv! Gotta grab the DVD and watch it. Is it just me? Or is anyone else brave enough to admit they plan to watch the New 90210 series premiere next week?! I'm happy that Jenny Garth is gonna finally get some work.