Thursday, August 14, 2008


I just had a harrowing time getting through security at the San Diego airport. I decided, in an effort to eke the last bits of that vacation feeling out of this long weekend, to wear my new, fuschia sun-dress home. (Yes, I look like a REALLY big flower right now. Eat my shorts.)

Naturally, one must be on alert while negotiating the security line. I had to get out my computer, take off my shoes, show any liquids, have my boarding pass on hand, all in about .02 seconds. I passed through in something of a breathless manner and then attempted to reload everything before the lady behind me shoved me out of the way to get at her stuff. I trotted about five feet to the side, barefoot, trying to find a place where I could get my shoes on. Leaning up against a column, I began to contend with my sandals, positioning myself in such a way as to not give passers by a free show.

Well, THAT didn't work.

Mid-buckle, a nice TSA agent came over with my forgotten sunglasses. Flustered, I reached for them as I was fastening my shoe, and the weight of my arm, apparently, disturbed my perilous balance.

And down I went.

And I mean DOWN. Sideways. And in such a way that my dress flew UP. Over my waist. In front of a very full security line. The TSA agent helped me up quickly, but not before I gave about five business men a clear view of my undies.

So, I'm at the gate now, the blush of my embarrassment slowly wearing off, wondering how it is that someone like me, who is so clearly NOT an exhibitionist, seems to show her drawers so often to complete strangers? I should start charging.

At least they were my black panties with the skulls on them. So while all akimbo, I at least looked like a bad-ass.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the people in line asked the TSA agent "could you see her snatch?!"

Squiddo said...

clumsy but fierce......does that work:-)

Unknown said...

About two months ago, a lady going through much of the same work exiting security got her already short and skimpy skirt caught in her thong. Not sure how that worked, but there I was feeling super pervy about just being near her. I pointed out to her that she was showing the airport her very nice butt--tan lines and all--and she about melted with embarrassment. To make matters worse for her, she was on my flight next and could not even look my way. Maybe it would have been different if her undies were badass skulls and not pink.

WRPH said...

Maybe this is why your mom insists on always wearing skirts that reach respectably to her ankles. Although now that I think about it, a long skirt is precisely what got you into trouble at Pottery Barn. Perhaps the problem there was the lack of a Sensible Shoe...So waddya think? Ready to start shopping at Eileen Fisher???