Friday, August 22, 2008

I wonder if there is a bear call I could work on...seriously...where are they?

My big event of the day, so far, has been taking Kylie for a walk. She hasn't caught her chipmunk and I haven't seen a bear, but I've not put on pants all day, so those are good odds. And it's a promising evening considering we cracked the wine at 3pm and will be moving on to my sweet, sweet mistress, tequila, as soon as I get the appetizers out and rolling. People, everyone needs friends who have house in the mountains because suddenly all of ones stresses seem very small and the only concern is SWEET GOD DO WE HAVE ENOUGH BEER TO GET THROUGH THE DAY? Even my deadline seems like a faraway concern...I have forts to build with my friends daughter, which is infinitely more important. And interesting. Have you ever tried fort building when three glasses of wine deep? I'm like freaking Gaudi!

So here's to hoping that some day, we'll have our own mountain retreat. You'll all be invited. But you'll have to leave you pants at the door. It's how we roll.


Anonymous said...

+2 for the Gaudi reference

Ang said...

should we rethink the beach house purchase and go with mountain retreat purchase instead? i'm down if y'all are. i'm sure mike would rather ski than frisbee. i'm not picky - i can laze about and consume alcohol in either location.

Anonymous said...

You ask, "Have you ever tried fort building when three glasses of wine deep?" Oh, puh-leeeeeze! I *only* speak to my kids AFTER I have had three glasses of wine/beer/rubbing alcohol. I'm always making up fun games at our house to play with the kids like, "The Last One To Bring Daddy Another Beer Is A Rotten Egg" and "Fermenting Grapes Is Science Dammnit!" Of course, I also let them take turns on who gets to sit next to me when we watch "Project Runway" and/or "America's Next Top Model". Hello?! Ahem, it's called, "raising my children right" for crissakes. (Remind me to tell you about the time that we were in Hawaii and Christina was being asked to name the thing that grown ups drink in the morning to help them wake up and she blurts out, "OOOOOOOOOOH! WINE!?" That's my girl. I beamed with pride. They grow up so fast.)

Squiddo said...

Kenny, why no +3....she is my wife after all:-)
Angie, yes.
Rod, you kill me.

Ang said...

when is rod going to get his own blog already and stop mooching off of ours?