Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Me: I’m watching What Not To Wear right now and having a vision of what it would be like if mom were on this show.

My sister: Can you imagine? Clinton would be all “SHOW SOME LEG! DEFINE YOUR WAIST!” And then Stacy would say something about how “the girls” need to be in a better bra.

Me: And the mom would be all “The proper term is BOSOM, and besides, it’s not lovely to refer to those on the air.” You should have heard her at Steve’s birthday party…someone said “Boobs” and I thought she was going to hit them over the head with her practical shoe.

My sister: Was she wearing a straw hat at the time, to protect her face from the sun?

Me: No, but she did ask me if I had loose stools when I told her that I had a headache. Dad, in the meantime, was trying his best to give off the impression that he didn’t know either of us.

My sister: It positively makes her glitter to have this kind of conversation. I’m glad I’m not the only one being subjected to bowel scrutiny.

Me: How do all of our conversations go here? I mean, can’t we be a normal family and talk about football or play Monopoly?

My sister: But you always cheat at Monopoly.

Me: True. That game is just too long…cheating is my survival strategy.

My sister: That and tequila.

Me: Now you’re talking.


WRPH said...

Seriously. All conversations do go there. Remember the last time we all went to breakfast? All we talked about was what we could or could not eat because it did or did not cause bloating. In extreme detail. As though we hadn't already had this conversation at least 100 times before. Your dad just sat there with his eyes glazed over, clearly envisioning himself somewhere far far away, and when I tried to change the subject and include him by asking about their new chairs, your mom answered for him, and, who-knows-how, but chairs led right back to food and digestion.

I am inclined to agree with your dad: Perhaps if she ate slower all her digestion problems would be solved, and she would have less time and reason to discuss everyone's bowel movements.

Although, I'm slightly afraid of what subject would take its place...

Ang said...

never introduce your mother to michael. he can't stand 'pottie talk'...his head might implode.

Jen said...

Angie: duly noted.

Holly: God help us all. I shudder to think what she would take up next.