Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A good day

Yesterday, we went to the zoo. There is nothing quite like seeing a large gorilla yanking on his THING and then having your young niece turn to you and go "What is HE doing, Auntie Jen?" to which I replied "Look! A bee!" and then moved her towards the next exhibit.

Near the end of the day we finally made it to the giraffes. I stared at them for a long while, which was utter bliss. I want one as a pet. At least THEY don't have personal time in public, if you catch my drift. My Dad took a picture of me in front of their pen...I'm totally going to use it as my Christmas card.

Some idiotic tourist was standing next to me and said "One of those skins would make a sweet rug." It took all of my resolve NOT to kick him in the shins, but a bird pooped on his shoulder shortly after, which I considered sufficient karmic retribution. It was a good day.


Anonymous said...

It just occurred to me... how COOL would a giraffe skin rug be if you had a looong hallway? Don't tell me you haven't at least thought about it!

WRPH said...

Bees show up at the most helpful times for you...

Jen said...

Ergo why they are my favorite insect.

Anonymous said...

You totally should have KICKED HIM!

Unknown said...

I would totally have a giraffe rug, but first I need to buy some cheetah scrotum pants. Think about it...