Thursday, November 6, 2008

Socialism? Please.

I come from a family where "Republican" was stamped onto your birth certificate and was almost as certain of a family trait as blue eyes and a tendency towards sarcasm. Being perhaps the one member who has leaned more left of the middle over past 10 years (blue is a better color on me, anyways), I'd like to think that my conservative upbringing allows me a unique view into both sides of political issues or at least tolerate listening to an opinion that I used to agree with.

But I've been vastly irritated over the past few weeks over the constant grumblings of "OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST!" My father was raised Communist, fled his country because he was black listed for speaking out against the government and raised his children with a very clear understanding as to why democracy is the ONLY WAY to live and why socialism sucks ass. So while I might plug my ears and go "LALALA!" if asked to explain the electoral college, I have a pretty deep understanding of political policies that have failed historically or are such hot issues now.

And so, because he's done the research and is a better writer than I am, I'm going to link to an article that I read recently in the New Yorker that counters this opinion about our President-elect.

Like, Socialism by Hendrik Hertzberg


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