Thursday, May 8, 2008

Things that happened before 12noon today that make me need tequila...

Hit the “off” button on my alarm rather than “snooze.” Which means my hair didn’t get done before I went to work. Sorry, clients.

Forgot to the put the mesh thingy into the french press which means that when I went to push my coffee grounds down, they FWOOSHED with great enthusiasm ALL OVER me, the counter and then floor. Neat. I then had no time to put on make up. Again, sorry, clients.

I didn’t have time to make my bed because of aforementioned alarm and coffee fiasco's. This made me grumpy.

My power steering up and died overnight in my car, meaning no amount of brute force would make the wheel TURN. Even later to work. Also, sore bicep from efforts to make the wheel go. Also, sore throat from screaming obscenities at car.

One of my clients looked up at me while on the reformer and said “Should I feel this in my vagina?” No, you should not. Or perhaps you SHOULD and show me HOW…depends on the feeling, I suppose.

Same client came in wearing WEE little bike shorts – like, I could see into her uterus. Think she confused me with a gynecological exam. Don’t need to be THAT CLOSE with ANYONE’S lady parts. Did I mention she’s well into her 60’s?

My underwear rode up my butt all morning.

I had lipstick on my teeth through one entire session and no one told me.

I finally had time to go to the bathroom near the end of my day and someone had used up the last of the toilet paper AND HAD NOT CHANGED THE ROLL.

Thank the good Lord in heaven that it’s Friday tomorrow.


Squiddo said...

ok ok, I am guilty of laughing my ass off on this post. You are the cause.

Ang said...

i hate to point out the hole in which you were wearing no makeup but had lipstick on your teeth. hugs and kisses! :D