Friday, May 23, 2008


I (with Rod's help) discovered one of Angie's main irritations...and I'm so HAPPY about it! (Yes, that is the kind of friend I am!) I don't think she really HATES Fergie, because how can you really dislike someone who admits to pee'ing their pants on stage? I think she's more upset that Fergie has taken Josh Duhamel off of the market permanently. Heck, even I had a day of mourning over that. So those of you who know Ang, let's whistle "Glamorous" around her and see if we can get her to seize - or something neat like that! It's Friday! Time for some fun!

Me: Pour Some Sugar On Me? For REAL? I thought "G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS" was more your speed.
Angie: OMG! I effin loathe Fergie's ugly *ss!!
Me: Wow. Ok. At least she teaches you how to spell. It's educational!
Angie: Sesame Street is educational...Fergie is TRASH!
Me: You know, there is something about her that I like. I don't know what it is...for instance, I wish I looked like she did in latex leggings.
Angie: I just threw up (a lot) in my mouth.
Me: I also cannot get "NononoNOOOOOO, don't phunk with my heaaaaaart" out of my head when I hear it. Maybe I'll change my ring tune to that and then call myself a lot during dinner tomorrow just to torture you.
Angie: Why do you hate me? WHY?


Ang said...

while admittance of incontinence is normally a plus, i do, indeed, hate fergie. her "music" is awful. her man deserves better. and she's fugly. i stand by this. i am just thrilled that lucia doesn't know this song. god bless those who shun popular music!

Squiddo said...

Sorry but it's a known fact that I'm oddly attracted to her. She's dirty hot.....but a bit fugly too. Hmmm, guess I'm crazy. SO she's into watersports...whats the big deal.