Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Their" or "They're" or "There"?

Dear Grammar Nazi,

Please note that I’m well aware of my deficiencies in the art of English Grammar. I, in fact, never met a sentence I wanted to conjugate and couldn’t tell you what a dangling participle is, though I hope there’s a cream for it, as it sounds itchy and uncomfortable.

I rely heavily on spell check and my editor, a job I’d be happy to bestow upon you as far as this blog is concerned, as I’m sure if my real editor looked at it, she would keel over in shock at my liberal use of slang, lack of properly placed commas and over-use of ellipses…

But more importantly, if you have further concerns as to my daily butchering of the English language, please continue to direct your comments to Angie, as she loves delivering them to me, having little else to do at work. I appreciate your concern, and will continue to ignore your commentary by regularly writing run on sentences and using punctuation incorrectly! it’s fun! and liberating! you should try it!


(Hi, Chuck! I’m looking DIRECTLY at you. Paul would never criticize me, thusly. I’m just sayin’…)


Anonymous said...

Your shirt is on its way:


I'll give it to Ang to give to you. You'd best be wearing it next time I see you.

Grammar Nazi

Ang said...

i'm just happy his attention is diverted away from my stupidity from time to time. thanks for taking one for the team, kuz!

Anonymous said...

tell Jacko to shut his pie hole


Squiddo said...

ha ha, he got you good Angie.