Wednesday, July 9, 2008

When you're, not like that.

There are many days when I sit down to write on this blog and think “WAIT until I tell everybody about THIS!” And then there are days, like today, where I stare at the blank screen, waiting for brilliance and wit to stop by for coffee and a chat…and they just don’t. Whether it’s the heat or a general lack of thoughts bouncing around my brain, I don’t know, but it does bring up one of the great insecurities of being a writer – the problem of being blocked (which is followed by fear of poor grammar and spelling).

And at times like this, I wish I could call my mother and ask her to bring over some fiber to get things moving…unfortunately, that doesn’t work for the brain and would have undesirable side effects. So instead, I sit and wait…file my nails…listen to music…pet Kylie...vacuum.

I carry around a notebook obsessively to write down things as I see them or as they come to me. Some of them end up here, on this blog. Others become part of whatever book I’m working on at the moment. What I find entertaining, especially on days like today, is looking back at old pages to the often cryptic entries that I’ve made. For those of you who are regular readers, you might see the beginnings of old posts. Some of them are just so random, a dollar to anyone who can make sense of them. I sure can’t! Enjoy your day...I'll be over house...waiting for my mojo to come home from whatever vacation it decided to take without me.

1) Mindi, orgasm, monk laughing
2) It’s the diff between a condom and a plastic bag
3) Stuck in dress at Zara, sweat to death, had to be cut out
4) Foot pump for toilets and sinks – BRILLIANT
5) Blue balls! Blue balls!
6) I wouldn’t want to be attacked with knitting needles
7) Free porn in Normandy, C&M delighted
8) We’re out of toilet paper, but we have Kleenex, so we’re ok
9) David Bromstad makes me want to be a gay man – but would it get my kitchen remodeled?
10) Monk junk


Anonymous said...

All I see is:

Someone must be sick!

Ang said...

oh crap! we're almost out of toilet paper. but you're right, we do have kleenex. and it'll do until one of us whines the other into going to get more of the rolled stuff.

Anonymous said...

If you were a gay man, you would have a laundry list of things to do to/with David Bromstad. And believe me, getting your kitchen remodeled wouldn't make the top 10. Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay? Insert sarcastic expression and head roll here with two snaps.