Monday, July 21, 2008

Scrabble me up

Things overheard during a rousing game of Scrabble Friday night…yes…Scrabble. It’s how we roll. I won, by the way.

“If I’m not face down in my own vomit in half and hour, it will have been a good night.”

“Saq…you know, like ‘My saq needs washing’…isn’t that the right way to spell it?”

“What’s the plural of yeti?”

“Please, make the bleeding stop.”

“Seriously, I’m sure you travel with a ‘z’ in your pocket just so you can pull out the hard shit when you need points. Before you leave the house you’re all ‘Chapstick, keys, money and my ‘z’ in case a mad game of scrabble breaks out.’”

“’Hoofs’ might be a word for the un-manicured feet of a woman, which is different from the hooves of a horse.”

“What am I? A frickin’ Hawaiian? All I have are vowels.”

“Give her some more tequila…it might slow her down a bit.”

"Do you think aileron has another 'e' at the beginning?"
Long pause.
"What the hell is 'aileron'? I was just happy about spelling 'bee'!"

"Do I get extra points for spelling 'crate' twice in the same game?"


Anonymous said...

and Au Pair is one word right?

Anonymous said...

We may not be much for scrabble, but damn, the booze makes us funnnnny.

Ang said...

awwwww i wish i could have been there! it sounds awesome!!!