Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Marc: So is it HELLS-yeah or hells-YEAH?

Holly: It's hell-yeah...no 's'.

Me: I think if you have to ask, you're too old to use it.

Marc: No way...I'm totally bitchin'...I can throw down that shit.

Holly: Bitchin'? Are you SERIOUS? What is this...summer of 1989?

Marc: Were you even alive then?

Holly: Hell-YEAH! See, that's how you use it.

Me: Our parents would be so proud...college degrees all around and this is what we discuss.

Marc: FO'shizzle.

Holly: Please. Stop.


Squiddo said...

I wet myself reading this again. I deny saying this....well most of it.

WRPH said...

Jen! It does have an "s"
Ha ha
At least he stopped saying "hella"

Jen said...

See, I'm getting senile in my old age. So it's hells-YEAH? This is so confusing...

Ang said...

it's actually a Z. hellZ yeah!

Anonymous said...

Jen, according to urban dictionary, you're both right. However, I'm with you, why add a nonsensical "s"?!: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hells+yeah

Unknown said...

Palatial all your regalias