Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is what girls talk about...

I am 100% positive that no man, gay or straight, has ever had an IM conversation like the one below, which took place this afternoon. Really.

Me: So, you're doing this wrap tomorrow - is it Bay Area Body Wraps?
Friend: Yes
Me: Ok, so, I'm peeing myself over here, b/c my friend did that...
Me: ...and they basically wrapped her up in like 7 parkas and had her run on a treadmill and then jump on a trampoline. I am NOT kidding you...she came out of there going "What the FUCK?"
Friend: Really?
Friend: I've never been there before.
Me: I'm so dead serious.
Friend: Maybe she did the like "lose fat" one or something??
Me: I think so...but I nearly wet myself with the visual or her being all bundled up and some little skinny thing going "Run, BITCH, RUN!" while she sweated away on a treadmill.
Friend: Exactly!
Me: Omg I want to come watch!!! Maybe they'll swath you in saran wrap and make you do jumping jacks!
Friend: Or you could come sit in the sauna.
Me: OR, I could just stay at home and have a glass of wine and wait for you to tell me about it...I'll go with that one.

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