Friday, April 18, 2008

Things that have annoyed me today...

1) The driver I couldn't get out from behind on my commute in to work. Not only was he inconsistent in his speed but refused to use his blinker. People who do that should have a bucket taped to their head and be sent out to play in traffic.

2) The woman in front of me at Peets today who had on nylons with open toed shoes. Girl, NO.

3) The cashier at Peets who handed me my scone with his bare hands since they were out of bags...I don't like revealing that I have this phobia of people touching my food, so I was then in the predicament of having to tell him that I needed a new one and could he please use the tongs that were RIGHT THERE and FOR THAT PURPOSE?

4) The profuse amount of Nickleback that has been playing lately. Why must you (radio gods) torture my ears with that? And on a Friday? Before my latte?

5) That The View was playing in the background at work. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of chickens being strangled (which is what that show is akin to for me), I would. That show should only be inflicted on people if they've been heavily sedated first...and tequila shots would probably be frowned upon at work...before lunch.

6) That my client who came in with a broken foot and sprained wrist then complained that I hadn't worked her out hard enough. She almost added a bruised shin to her list of ailments with that comment.

7) That my underwear keeps riding up. I think my ass has gotten too big.

8) That I forgot my sunglasses at Cory's and it's SUPER bright out.

9) That EVERY TIME I go to the bathroom at work the toilet paper roll is empty...and the new rolls are DIRECTLY in front of the toilet in this charming little basket, so it's not like it would cause someone to pop a rib out to put the new roll on. I swear, I exist only to do this menial task.

10) That someone ate the soy yogurt I had put in the fridge at work. Seriously, that stuff tastes like ass and only I like it, so wtf?

I'm actually in a brilliantly happy mood today - shock, I know! Sometimes, one just needs to air out the list of grievances...much better...

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