Friday, October 31, 2008

Put a ring on it

Good morning everyone! Did you realize it's Friday? I don't know where this week went...I spent most of it writhing on the floor, gasping for air, trying to get through a terrible bout of insomnia and allergies. And because I have nothing other to say than I AM SO FUCKING TIRED, I give you this, a video that has had me staring in fascination since Pablo sent it to me yesterday. First because I wish I could move like that and then secondly, WHERE IS HIS JUNK? But damn! It's a catchy song! And I've been singing it! All day! And now, so will you!

Hopefully, by next week, my ennui will have worn off and I'll be back to my regular, sparkly self. But for now, my head is shutting down and wanting me to lie, quietly, in a room with the windows drawn. If this were the early 1800's, I would ask my maid to loosen my corset and she would report to all who cared that I was suffering from consumption, and I would softly weep in the corner. As it's 2008, I suppose I'll just listen to my body...which is telling me to have a shot of tequila. And I must obey.

Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Oh poor you. Insomnia can lead some to eat their young, whereas others use it to torture their victims. No fun.

Isn't this the BEST video you've seen all week?! I've sent it to a ton of folks and none can believe it. Ms. Thang gives Beyonce a run for her money. Am I right?

The junk has been tucked. Girl, don't you watch America's Next Top Model? I'll assume it's the insomnia talking, or maybe the tequila, but in any case if you're really interested here's a link:

Now I do hope that your maid (is that Marc dressed up in something skimpy?) medicates/marinates you in your fav tequila because you need to be in party mood for tomorrow.

I've decided that I need the dancer in the video to help choreograph something for our reception. Something tasteful and fitting for the occassion.

"If you liked it, you shoulda put a ring on it...Uh oh oh oh..."

Publish this comment.

Ang said...

i'm not sure if i should comment on your post or rod's.

Anonymous said...


curse I'm mad. You made me go and look at the url providing me with "tuck" instructions. Seriously, "Push your testicles back into the holes from which they dropped." Leave my damn eggs alone.

PS, maid? I think not...our playtime has me as Julio the adventurous poolboy.
