Tuesday, October 14, 2008

After the Angels & Airwaves/Weezer show, a thought

Dear Tom DeLonge,

If I can see the outline of your ball-sac from my balcony seat, it might be time to consider new pants. Just an idea.

Thank you,

P.S. - Also, you were in terrible voice last night...what gives? I almost wanted to come down there, shove you out of the way and take over. And I can't even sing, but it would have been better than what was coming out of your mouth, which resembled the sound a cat makes while being strangled, but with re-verb. I feel like I'm coming off of a bad acid trip, what with my ringing ears and sore, ball assaulted eyes.

P.P.S. - Also, Weezer ROCKED it OUT. But you knew that. You were there. I'm so glad your participation in the Sweater Song didn't ruin it. I might have had to throw something sharp at you. And while I can't sing, I do have great aim.


Ang said...

so glad you enjoyed the show! wish i had had tickets to join you guys! you know how i crush on rivers cuomo. i will be very sad if they played 'pink triangle'....they never play that one.

Ang said...

btw, it's ANGELs, not ANGLEs. :D

Jen said...

Noted and fixed Angie, thank you.

Squiddo said...

They DID play Pink Triangle BTW.