Friday, October 3, 2008

Part of the running commentary during the VP debates last night

Marc: Well, what do you think of her?
Me: She has nice skin, I guess.
Marc: Yeah...her shoulder pads are irritating me.
Me: Perhaps they help her look more intimidating to all of those Russians she's fending off of her maritime borders?
Marc: It's annoying that she's attractive in this pinched, constipated way.
Me: You'd totally do her.
Marc: True. But only if she didn't talk.

We are intelligent people, I promise. We just have rather stringent requirements where our politicians are concerned. Because while we may be bright, we are also shallow.


Squiddo said...

People, just a word. Jen has edited my comments for public consumption. I never sound that polite behind closed doors.

Anonymous said...

She is also a bit of a paradox don't you think? I mean, by naming her kids with names such as: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig don't you get the impression that if you went to her house it would reek of patchouli, there would be a huge communal bong on the coffee table, and there would be worn and tattered posters endorsing free love and the feminist movement? Yet her political position on reproductive rights, global warming, gun control, alternative energy, and same sex marriage is far from being construed as progressive. Still, she must seek some solace in the fact that in the next few months she'll be trading in her MILF status for that of a GILF. I mean , c' many grandmothers can tout that? Wouldn't it have been AWESOME if some time during last night's vice presidential debate Gwen Ifill covered her mic and leaned toward Palin and said, "Girl, just between the two of us, fess up... until a few weeks ago you really didn't have a clue how close Russia was to Alaska, am I right?"

Ang said...

good thing obama's hot. ;) and while i think i'd enjoy grabbing a beer with sarah, i certainly don't want her running my country.