Thursday, October 23, 2008

A belated birthday, because I'm technically impaired

I was going through my archives today when I noticed a post in my "drafts" section that was supposed to have gone up LAST Friday. If you must know, I'm not the most technically savvy person in the world. In fact, I had to look up how to spell "technical"'s a good day if I can figure out how to turn the computer ON. I just stopped using stone tablets last year, people.

But a dear friend of mine, Andrea, turned 31 on Saturday, and attention must be paid. So lest you think I forgot about you, darling, that is not the case. I just misfired on the "publish" button. Behold:

So, tomorrow, my friend Andrea turns 31. I've known her since her first day of college, back in the merry old 1990's, when Al Gore invented the internet, Bill Clinton got caught with his pants down and the economy was booming. A good time was being had, apparently, by all.

And so were we! Being two years older, and therefore full of wisdom, I took Andrea under my wing. A rudimentary knowledge of college life needed to be explained, such as: how to speaker dance at fraternity parties! how to smoke in a sexy manner! what the actual definition of shacking was! I'm happy to report that she was an apt pupil and a very successful co-ed. More importantly, she was and is one of my favorite people and I'm thrilled to have seen her grow from a bubbly and fun college student who used to study on the floor of the hallway outside of the library because she would get in trouble for talking too much inside of the library, to a bubbly and sophisticated woman who still has a lot to say, but no longer has to deal with the restraint of collegiate law.

And while I might have introduced her to smoking, she doesn't anymore, people, so don't start in on me about leading people astray. Because while we both might look damn sexy while inhaling (after lots of practice) we also like our lungs to be pink and healthy. So now we reserve the sexy for our awesome dance moves which, alas, no longer take place on top of a speaker. Sigh. I guess that means we're officially adults.

Happy (belated) Birthday, bella. I can't wait to see you next month.

1 comment:

Andrejka said...

Oh my dear Kuz. . . . thank you so much for the Birthday wishes. . .and excuse me.. but I haven't given up on speaker dancing it's just a matter of FINDING them .. I think they were outlawed once they saw our moves were just too dangerous and may have lead to lawsuits. . . BUT we must go on a speaker hunt when you are back down here in a few weeks. . . YIPPEEE!!! Miss you tons. . . and thanks for the Bday wishes. . . yikes it's wierd to see a 31 after my name... shouldn't it be 21 . . have we really known each other that long!!!