Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Did you know that paprika is pronounced pa-PREE-ka? I was unaware of this and have been pronouncing it as PAH-pri-ka for all of my 32 years. This is what comes of growing up with don't learn the proper pronunciation of things and then become the butt of dinner party jokes when you mention that the predominant spice in the kick ass potato salad that you made is PAH-pri-ka.

Get over it, people. Especially since around the table sat one Southerner and one Texan and lets not even get started on how the English language becomes bastardized by the both of them after a few glasses of wine, y'all.

The potato salad WAS good, though. So suck it.


Squiddo said...

Brav-HOOOOOO Kuz:-P Excellent point and I'm sorry you became the but of a joke.

Anonymous said...

speaking of the butt of a joke-
I was looking at the video camera footage last night to see what I could piece together for the blog . . . there's like 20+ minutes of your cleavage filmed by your husband-- not sure if I can edit it all out, and I feel dirty watching the footage now

Ang said...

i can't believe you haven't learned by now that you do not tell a southerner to get over it while simultaneously throwing down the verbal gauntlet. woman, you betta rekanize!

ps. your husband's obsession with your boobs is kinda weird even though he's your husband. he should probably see someone about that. maybe mommy issues? did she wean him too late? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of ending every debate/disagreement/discussion with, "So suck it." It's the *perfect* punctuation mark to an otherwise cogent response. C'mon Jen, fess up, it's a teensy bit Kathy Griffin inspired isn't it?

Jen said...

You know what, Rod? I actually have to credit Angie where "suck it" is concerned. I heard her say it long before I became a fan of Kathy it's "Angie Inspired". Perhaps I should put a little "tm" next to it each time I use it?

Unknown said...

It's PAHprika. We're Croatian. Never forget.

Incidentally, our classic snack of cottage cheese and sour cream with PAHprika has been universally deemed gross at The Barber Shop. I still love it.