Thursday, September 11, 2008

One household, under Kylie

So after yesterdays post I've received a lot of messages that boil down to one question "DO YOU HAVE GUNS IN YOUR HOUSE?" and a few "IS MARC INSANE?" Yes, and yes.

How a gun toting, moderate ended up marrying a bleeding heart, tree-hugging-almost-hippie is a question for the ages, but here we are. We're sort of like a more efficient version of Congress...differing opinions on many things, but we compromise and pass internal legislature all of the time. (Marc is downright filibusterous once you pour some vodka down his throat.) Also, Kylie is a lobbyist for whomever is holding a dog treat at the moment (she'd say she's non-partisan, but I think she's voting for Obama). So you see, we have our own little, productive government going on. There are even social programs! And we stay within budget! Congress could LEARN some shit from us, I'm telling you.

And yes, I'm the hippie...but with a penchant for pencil skirts and heels rather than long, flowing dresses and Birkenstocks (though I've owned several pair...I blame the Germanic influence). Plus, I shower and wear deodorant. But I will seriously cut you if you litter and will wax poetic about the virtues of eating local if you get me've been warned.


Anonymous said...

you are so *not* a hippy
sorry to let you down

Caroline Blackwood said...

"Do you have guns in your house?"
One of my first and favorite memories of Marc was my first or second book club attendance. Marc had come home and Angie told him there was a big rat running across the power lines. I'd never seen someone find a BB gun so fast. I think he tagged it. It was awesome.