Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mi scusi...no, really, MOVE.

I’m curious as to what type of national offense I will be committing should I decide to bitch slap someone while here in Italy? I’ve become irritated by the lack of spatial awareness; many Italians (and I’ve been here for over a week, so this isn’t just a blanket statement) do NOT move when they are clearly in your way while on the sidewalk, in a store, in the park. They just look at you like “What? You have two legs…walk around me!” And since I’m on vacation and not in the mood to argue with someone whose country I am visiting, I HAVE walked around, sometimes at great, personal risk given the way people drive here and the fact that the average sidewalk is the width of a toothbrush. But I’m getting tired of it…so I’ve just started running over people’s toes with my friends’ daughters stroller. And let me tell YOU, this is immensely satisfying for me and drives my point home more than any “MI SCUSI!!” has thus far, because who is going to yell at an adorable three year old? NO ONE. I’m going to be an awesome mom.


Anonymous said...

Love it! You are going to be a badass Mommy!! whooooo

Ang said...

oh no! you've turned into one of those horrid stroller bitches! nooooooooooo

Jen said...

You know, Ang, normally I would say "NO, I'm not going to be a stroller bitch!" However, upon reflection, if I ask someone nicely to make way - FIVE TIMES - and they look at me as I'm asking with a mocking expression on their face, I'm not going to feel bad about running them over.