Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Florence Observations

1) Do monks wear underpants beneath their robes? I would ask but I’m afraid of the eternal consequences that might apply. But I really want to know, so I might risk it.

2) I find it a bit disconcerting that in “Health” portion of the Italian phrase book one of the highlighted sentences is “Please use a new syringe.” (Ho con me la mia siringa, for those of you who must know). Sweet god! What does that say about the medical system? Or are there a lot of heroin users here? Either way, I think I'll just avoid getting sick.

3) It’s funny that this phrase is right next to “You’re a hypochondriac” (E un ipocondriaco). In other wards, suck it up, you high maintenance Americans.

4) Everyone, in each restaurant, has touched my food today.

5) See No. 3.

6) I didn’t expect such extreme humidity. So while I’ve looked rather fashionable (if I do say so myself), my hair has been defying gravity in such a manner that an older gentleman stopped me on my way down the street and said “That’s some hair you’ve got there…” I considered replying that it was better than having NO hair, but then realized he was bald and so held my tongue.

7) Wine is almost obnoxiously cheap, so if you ask me for details of my trip and I say that they are rather hazy, this is why.

8) I wonder if Italians take some perverse pleasure in skirting as close to pedestrians as possible when driving? Perhaps there is some point system I’m not aware of? I’ve been seeing my life flash before my eyes on a regular basis today…I need body armor.

9) People do not pick up their dog poop here. Between watching out for cars, scooters and feces (plus, I suppose, dirty syringes), each step is a potential disaster.

10) Being confronted by so much history around each corner is just amazing. To look up at a house and think “Galileo lived here!” is totally surreal. Tomorrow, I think, we’ll all go to see the David and contemplate its greatness. And the size of his wee, which has caused international debate. I say leave the poor guy alone…he was just about to go and fight a giant, so I think some shrinkage is understandable.

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