Thursday, June 19, 2008

Debater, tomater...

This is the kind of conversation you have when you’re deaf from a head cold…and jet lagged:

Marc: You should have watched The Great Debaters…it was good!
Me: Oh I know…I hope I can buy some at the farmers market this weekend.
Marc: What?
Me: You know, because of the salmonella thing?
Marc: What the hell are you talking about?
Me: Tomatoes…didn’t you see that bit on CNN?
Marc: How did you get from the movie to tomatoes?
Me: What movie?
Marc: The Great Debaters.
Me: OOOHHH – DEBATERS! I thought you said TOMATOES.
Marc: Christ. We need to attach a bullhorn to your ear.
Me: What?


Squiddo said...

all true......

Ang said...

for the love of all things holy, never give marc a bullhorn.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is about a normal conversation with TIM......I feel for Marc, sorry brother in law.