Friday, February 6, 2009


Whew, people. I'm sleeping like someone who is still on vacation. I've been without Rest for so long that I forgot what a great friend it was! I've been smiling and chipper and AWARE. If I burst spontaneously into song, just wave a glass of wine in front of me as a distraction. Your ears will thank you. I really think spending the weekend with people whose DNA denotes that they will share my exact sense of humor has tipped me over back to the other side - I've started 2009 afresh!

I even smiled at the Very Strange Man who was loitering outside of Starbucks this evening. I had just had dinner with my parents and was walking back to my car when I heard "Well don't YOU look nice today?" shouted from somewhere behind me. I looked, as there was no one around, and there sat an older man wearing what appeared to be every conceivable piece of clothing he owned. I nodded and kept walking, but he continued. "YOU HAVE A NICE ASS!" And then he added, "And I think we should get married!" Since it's been established that I have a Very Round Ass or, VRA™, I wasn't shocked that it had received its first marriage proposal. I turned and said over my shoulder, "Show me the ring and I'll see what my ass thinks!" I don't think he had expected a response and just grinned from beneath the depths of what appeared to be at least three hats and definitely four scarves. There might have even been a chicken or two in there, for all I could tell.

But I'm now home, ensconced in the depths of my couch, ass contained in my Stretchy Pants, happy to be tired and on my way to bed. It's been a good week, people. I'm heading into a social weekend, and you all know what that means! Tequila! Ergo, Content for YOU! I'll go forth ready to document and will gift you with a plentitude of anecdotes come Monday. Pray for general misbehavior...that always helps.


Anonymous said...

I left a bottle of Agave at your bro-in-law's house- feel free to go try it.

Or if you and your VRA&tm; are up in SF, come by, I have other tequilas to try

Ang said...

Now I feel bad for being so tame last night!