Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's a catchy song, though.

So I was at the library the other day and a gentleman came up to me in my particular aisle asking for a bit of help finding the book he was looking for. His authors last name started with an “F” so I directed him ever so slightly down the way since I was planted squarely in the “C” section. As he walked off, he started singing the alphabet to himself, and stopped once he reached “F”, presumably so he would know to slow down once he started seeing “E's” as he’d almost have reached his destination. I felt like I should have sent him off with a flashlight and snacks in case he got lost along the way.

Now, who doesn’t know that "E" precedes "F"? I mean, if you need the song, aren’t you generally in more dire circumstances, you know, in a “P” or “Q” type situation? I occasionally throw down an "LMNOP," since I sometimes forget if "M" comes before "N". But anything before "G", I'm thinking you ought to have down.

I presume he found his book as I saw him downstairs later and he waved happily at me as I exited the library. "Keep the power, baby!" I wanted to yell. But you get shushed at places like that, and I wasn't in the mood.

1 comment:

Ang said...

i'm with ya. anything before g, everyone should know. i, too, sometimes get caught up some letters. for some reason everything between t and x perplexes me. see, even just now i had to sing the song to know what i actually get perplexed about. in grammar school, i would just mumble between t and y. t mmmmmmummmmble (then belt at top of my lungs) Y and z. i also mix up left and right ALL the time and have to see which one makes the L by holding my hands up. i blame the people who tried to make me right handed all my life.

dear lord, why am i in charge of peoples' careers and like actual important projects?!