We're experiencing a brief reprieve from the rain, here. I know, BOOHOO!, you poor Californian who gets cold at 60 degrees. YES I DO. But you all can just suck it because along with plentiful sun we also get high property taxes and Hollywood. Our burdens to bear. Regardless, the break in weather means that Kylie will be demanding a walk of uncommon length since she was denied one yesterday. Call me a bad dog owner, but when the rain is coming down sideways, it seems imprudent to venture out. I might catch my death. Or my hair might curl.
So for those of you who are attached, cuddle up with the object of your affection, and for those of you who are not, c'mon over...we'll give you a pat on the fanny and a glass of wine, two things that seem to solve a myriad of wrongs. And then you can go throw water balloons at the lovey couples downtown Mountain View. Fifteen points for each direct hit to the head! Kylie will keep score.
1 comment:
Heyyyy why didn't we go water ballooning?!?! Oh yeah, because you were asleep by 9:30. But seriously, if I had known I would have been the first out the door, Scotch in hand. Oh wait, that's probably not legal, eh? Okay, now I see why we stayed in. Priorities.
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