Monday, February 2, 2009

Bon voyage

In a few hours I'll be heading to that behemoth of airports, LAX, and finally flying home after what has been a rather nomadic two weeks. I noted today that I could teach a class on surviving on ten pieces of clothing for extended periods of time...not to mention a dwindling supply of beauty products and clean underwear. In typical me fashion I forgot both pajamas and toothpaste, so I've been thankful that my travels have taken me to places that have drugstores and Victoria's Secret. I'd hate to think what I'd have to fashion out of say, a bearskin, otherwise. Though I would be warm, so there is that.

Posting will begin afresh after tomorrow. For now, I have to stuff my belongings into my beleaguered suitcase and hope to God that I don't have an liquids rolling around that a TSA agent will spot on the security cameras, therefore forcing me to unpack everything to find the offending object and then say, "Sir, would you please sit on my suitcase so that I can close it?" while panties and bras fly about in indignation.

While I love travel and being away from home, there is nothing quite like coming back to it. Though life will begin again tomorrow with all of its usual tedium and trials, it's a nice life, and I'm happy to call it my own. Have a wonderful Monday, everyone. And keep your fingers crossed that I get an aisle seat!


Anonymous said...

If you want a real adventure, you should fly with Chris. In the past few years we have had the following confiscated: a Swiss Army knife (sure, you can try and talk your way around the tweezers, screwdriver, and can opener...but that hacksaw is pretty much a non-starter), playdough (apparently, can be used as pastique as well as occupying small children), cranberry juice for the kids that made one fellow passenger inexplicably nervous even after we drank from it, brand new (never been opened) suntan lotion purchased in Hawaii, and multiple water bottles (sometimes on the same day!) It's like he is hell bent on getting some contraband smuggled on as some sort of personal challenge.

Of course, I'm happy to overlook the time I inadvertently forgot a "souvenir" from our last night at a popular cafe in Amsterdam in his coat pocket when we flew home. That's completely different.

Ang said...

get home already. gah! we like miss you n stuff.