Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kilts are cute! Write that down!

So my friend Cody has a birthday today. Let's just say Cody is the only man I know who didn't grow up in Scotland who can pull off a kilt without the danger of someone killing him. This is mostly because Cody could easily snap anyone in two who dared point and laugh in his direction. We went to college together and I have a picture of him outside of my sorority house (yes, I was in one of those) proudly wearing said kilt with two attractive women flanking him...the man had moxie then and does now. His wife Erica can attest...

Regardless, happy birthday my friend! I'm glad we've been back in touch and have enjoyed watching your family grow, if even online! May your day be full of general bad-ass-ery. You should totally wear your kilt to your MMA Training just to see what happens. You know. For research.

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