Monday, January 26, 2009

Taken from my Facebook page because this cold is sapping my creativity...

1. There were four things I wanted to be when I grew up: a spy, a stylist, a writer and a doctor. In some way, I have fulfilled three of those four things.
2. I am terrified of crowds.
3. I'm an intermittent extrovert. As a rule, I'm VERY shy - I just fake it well. But most of my close friends are totally social and therefore pull my weight for me. I delegate well.
4. Random things that turn me on in men: a well groomed beard, glasses, a strong jaw line, the ability to wear Converse without irony, great forearms, a distinctive walk, dark hair.
5. Random things that turn me off in men: complicated facial hair, earrings, saggy pants, the hipster look, those stupid skinny scarves that serve no purpose other than to say "ooooo - look at me! I'm sensitive and listen to Belle & Sebastian and am in touch with my angst." Whatever. Pull up your pants.
6. I have a tattoo on my lower back that is the Gaelic symbol for eternity. No one has EVER once asked what this tattoo means to me, which I find interesting. And no, I won't tell you now.
7. I am terrible at keeping in touch with people that do not live near me. And this is mostly because...
8. ...I hate talking on the phone.
9. I don't need a lot of human interaction (see #3) but would hang out with my siblings every day if I could. My brother and I once said that we ought to buy houses next to one another. I would totally do this.
10. I still think that my dad knows everything.
11. I did not have an idyllic childhood and in fact, parts of it were pretty wretched (my therapist thanks me for this). But, it's still the part of my life that I would live over again, if only because I find this adult thing to be totally overrated.
12. I generally like children better than adults.
13. If someone says "knock on wood," I HAVE to do so.
14. I don't do well with change. For instance, within the space of a few months my parents moved out of the house I grew up in and my oldest sister moved to San Diego. I'm still flipping out about both of these things even though they both happened over a year ago.
15. In college, I was the body model for my sculpture professor. So somewhere in a park in Michigan, there is a 10 foot tall statue of my naked self. Probably with a pigeon roosting on its head.
16. In rare instances, I don't register a persons face until I've met them about three times, I only see an aura of color. This happens with people that become dear friends or that I fall in love with. I thought this was normal until someone in college was all, "Have you met so and so? He's SO HOT!" And I was all, "Oh, he's still just green to me right now." And she was all, "WHAT?" and thought I was totally weird. I fell in love with that boy, by the way.
17. I was a complete tomboy until well after college. Then an ex boyfriend bought me a pencil skirt, which totally changed my life.
18. Being that I'm an insomniac, I'm really only awake between the hours of 4-7pm. If you ever need me to do something important for you, that's when to catch me.
19. I'm happiest when I'm at the beach.
20. I don't tell my mother a lot of things I do out of a very reasonable fear that she would never again leave the house...she would be too busy praying for my soul. But I hope to be like her in spirit, smarts and humor.
21. I'd rather have people over than go out to a club.
22. My favorite meal on the planet is two eggs over easy with a bagel. This is what I would order for my last supper if ever I were to find myself on death row.
23. I've driven the same car since college and would be perfectly happy if it were the only car I ever own. I'm unreasonably attached to it.
24. I LOVE The Hills, The City and The Real Housewives, but balance that out with my equal appreciation of independent film.
25. At the end of the day, my only real goal in life is to be happy. Most days, I'm there.

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