Thursday, January 15, 2009

No really, I'm still here

I know, I know, I KNOW. I have not been updating this week. It's criminal. I have to tell you, though, that it's for your own good. I've been shedding pieces of my sanity, wandering around in the sweet hell that is insomnia driven fatigue and didn't think you'd enjoy a bunch of posts that say "SWEET GOD I AM SO TIRED". HOWEVER, the good news is that I've slept for two nights now and should be back to my regular, updating schedule as of next week. To tide you over, here is an email that I received from Rod, for your enjoyment. And Rod, I will indeed bring my quarters for the strippers this weekend...we decided on a Village People theme, yes?

i know that you're a busy person and all, but have abandoned your blog and your adoring fans? those of us who look at the time on our pc and think, "Oh, yes, it's 8:05am! I'll just pop over for a quick update on who is making indecent proposal to Jen and be back in a few."

have you been kidnapped and are now working the sex trade in a Lithuanian brothel?

have you quit your day job and are now out there peddling your Germanic electrolyte soup line?!

have you made a new year's resolution to only blog for the first 1.5 weeks of 2009?

does Kylie drag you on 10 mile hikes every day which leaves you too exhausted to type on your keyboard?

has insomnia driven you criminally insane?

are you ghost writing Ann Coulter (i know another "c" word that would be more fitting) next book?

are you too busy drinking thru the wine cabinet? well, you could call a friend to join you if it's this last one!!

i know, i know...before you tell me something like, "sweet freaking moses! it's a voluntary job so you can just suck it if you continue to demand daily updates." (as an homage to angie) just wanted to let you know that you're daily revelations and musings are missed.

i'm feeling very out of the Jen loop, and as one of your self-appointed main gays, that's not boding well. no sirree bob. we'll have to catch up significantly on all the recent comings and goings at the big soiree this saturday. you're bringing a wad of $1 bills for the 5 male strippers, right? maybe it should be a roll of quarters considering the recession? hmmmm.....

1 comment:

Ang said...

well, i mean it is a voluntary part-time job. you can't blame a girl for getting testy when some very pushy...errr i mean ping ping ping for status.

beware strippers of san francisco - protective eyewear is necessary on 1/17/09 if working an engagement party in dogpatch!