Monday, April 6, 2009

Caution: By singing along to this album you might make an ass out of yourself

It was a gorgeous day was, in fact, HOT. So hot that I need to reconsider my stance on driving around without air conditioning as my back was starting to stick to my leather seats and I've been told that's not attractive. Whatever. You say tomato, I say you're saying it wrong.

Regardless, I had all of the windows open and was happily blaring Kanye West. I was getting on with my bad self as sometimes a girl needs to. However, you know how you have listened to something for so long that you kind of don't hear the words anymore and then suddenly, you find yourself in a situation where, not only do you HEAR the words, but you are MORTIFIED by them?

Let me explain.

Kanye, as we all know, is African American. It's my understanding that black people are allowed to call OTHER black people by the "N" word. This escapes me entirely considering what negative, historical connotations that word carries. I mean, I suppose I can compare it to sometimes calling up one of my girlfriends and saying, "What's up, bish?" But normally, that's because said friend sometimes IS a bish and would admit that if pressed. But that word doesn't carry with it the weight of slavery and discrimination and marginalization. Anyways, there is a part of this song, Flashing Lights, wherein the lyrics go thusly:

"Damn, these n****** got me, I hate these n****** more than a Nazi."

I applaud his choice of disliking the Nazi's...I mean, really, I'm half German and carry historical guilt over what that group did. My problem is that I've memorized these lyrics over time and sing them while in the car without really realizing what I'm saying.

So yesterday, with windows down and song blaring, I came to a stoplight and this stanza came on. And I found myself singing about n****** and Nazi's and looked over to see two men in the car next to me of African American descent looking at me curiously as I sang about their brethren in such uncouth terms. I was suddenly VERY aware of what had just come out of my mouth. Because while they can say that word to one another, I'm pretty sure a white girl isn't allowed to, even if she is singing along with one of their own.

Praise the good Lord in heaven, the light turned green right then...though I was several shades of red. Stupid Kanye. Lesson learned though - I should definitely get my AC fixed. See? I would totally have had the windows rolled up and been able to holler out racial slurs without fear of offending someone.

Wow! I didn't just get struck down! It's going to be a good week!

1 comment:

Squiddo said...

lol, pure awesome.....I've seen that "shades" of a chameleon red you do. Love it.