Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Yard - Part 2

I'm happy to report that yesterday came and went drama free. The patio form was put in...lookit!

I even get a step out into my backyard! I shall stand on it and wave at all of my subjects. Or just the dog. Whatever.

I tried to get Kylie to pose with that thingy that tamps down the earth. She wouldn't comply. Bitch.

Anyhoo, you can imagine my relief, coming home from work and finding that not only were there no other disasters, but that progress had been made. The leaky pipe? A thing of the past! Behold!

Pipe! Gone! Leak-no-more! And my tennies, since I just went for a run.

Yay! So there was rejoicing in our house last night. Which means that we had two glasses of wine with dinner and not just one! And Marc did naked lunges in celebration of our soon to be patio. He saves those for special occaisions.

However, the earth is still wet wet wet. From THREE DAYS AGO. This ought to tell you how little sun we get back here. If you're worries about melanoma, come hang out in our yard! You'll come away paler and quite possibly with the sniffles due to the cold...but just think of how much you'll save on sunscreen!

I mean, REALLY. Check out how MUDDY that is. From SATURDAY.

So the concrete goes in this afternoon. Good thing Marc got that body buried yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Naked lunges? My brother does naked lunges? Thank you SO much for putting that image into my head. I'm not sure how to live with that....


Anonymous said...

looking forward to seeing the finished deal. Will look for the invite soon. Also you have a gift with the camera my dear.....maybe?

Ang said...

Ummm to be fair to your muddy yard, it WAS raining all weekend.

Squiddo said...

HOLFY CR*P! Is that my SISTER commenting!!!!

Jen said...

Actually, Ang, it WASN'T raining down here...the soil just doesn't soak up water. Hence why people come and do boat races in our yard on especially wet days. Or swim.