Thursday, February 25, 2010

"February is a suitable month for dying." - Anna Quindlen, One True Thing

So, I'm not super clear as to where February went. The calendar gods have always seen fit to throw in this ridiculous month which is fraught with problems...fewer days, and then MORE if it's a Leap Year which solves the problem of the Lunar Calendar vs. the Gregorian Calendar. Or that's what I gather from having read about it for .02 seconds on Wikipedia. Then my brain exploded.

February was exceedingly full. We went to Mexico, came back and had Valentine's Day, which Marc and I both completely forgot about and celebrated by having Cory over for dinner and watching Hurt Locker. And then the following week was spent executing the precarious dance that was arranging Marc's 40th birthday surprise party (which was nearly ruined by a wintery storm in which rain drops the size of dinner plates were falling out of the sky...I went outside and screamed STOP IT! STOP BEING SO STUPID AND ILL TIMED, WEATHER! [I said some other salty things too, if I'm being honest] And what do you know? It did! Stop, that is. Just for one day, but that was all I required.) (Otherwise, the party went off without a problem! I highly recommend marrying a gullible man if you can arrange makes these kind of things SO much easier! Hi honey!), and then I've spent the past week recovering from said party and so here we are, on the cusp of March.

It was difficult to come home from Mexico. Because it looked like this:

And was filled with many of these:

Which made us oh so happy and content and lo! Full of much glee! See?

I highly, HIGHLY recommend this kind of escape during the cold months. Normally I would spend February in a mid-winter funk, wanting only to watch tv without my pants on, and then do productive things like whine about how cold I am. I'd don the same, pilly sweatshirt that I swear I've had since the day I was born and retreat to a quiet corner of the house, which happens to be our arctic bedroom and is full of annoying things like laundry that requires folding and random detritus that needs to be put away. But in February, it's easier to kick all of that to the side and hide under my duvet until something nicer, like Spring, comes along. So see, you were saved all of that by our timely trip to the tropics. You're welcome. We'll have to do this every year, even if we have to sell a couple of kidneys to make it happen.

1 comment:

Squiddo said...

HEY, gullible? Good thing you lock your trunk ya sally?