Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our house is one full of genius. And horomones, apparently.

Marc: I just got the new Taylor Swift album downloaded!
Me: Wait, what?
Marc: You know, the new Taylor Swift album? I got it because she is REALLY talented.
Me: Also because she is hot and young?
Marc: Well, DUH.

and then later...

Marc: Our new Netflix movie came!
Me: Oooooooooooo - the one with Christian Bale in it?
Marc: Yes!
Me: Do you think he takes his shirt off? Because he'd better.


Squiddo said...

It is true, I borrowed it from the library. Say it with me Kuz, L-I-B-R-A-R-Y...its a magical place where you can borrow/check-out books,and movies,and music, and magazines, and lions and tigers and bears (oh my!).

PS, Taylor is smoking.

Teresa said...

I would recommend NOT watching "Empire of the Sun" because, although the movie rocks, Christian Bale is only about 13 years old and it is wrong, wrong, wrong to think he how hot he is now while watching him and his cute little self at 13. Wrong.

Ang said...

I think you mean WHOREmones