Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eat, drink and be merry! I'm one!

So, my niece Holly is here, which is all sorts of lovely. She moved down to San Diego last year, a fact that I will most likely never forgive her for, so it’s good that she’s trying to make reparations by visiting often. I’m trying to figure out a way to keep her here permanently…Hi Holly! If you find yourself trapped in the guest bedroom, don’t worry! I’ll slide food under the door at regular intervals!

So guess what? The Lucky Paw is one year old today. Can you believe it? I expect gifts, drinks and many shiny things from all twelve of you who read this regularly. Despite the fact that this particular post wasn’t the first one that I put up, here is a link to the story that started it all. For now, I’m off to drink Scotch with my niece, which is really the right thing to do when you’re celebrating a year of documenting the many ways in which you tend to make an ass out of yourself.

So what have we learned? That I’m a thinly veiled exhibitionist. That I hate pants. That I love my dog more than I care for most people. That I adore travel. That I still don’t know what monks wear under their robes. And that as long as my mother is with us, I’ll always get enough fiber. Important things, people. I’d like to think that my blog is something of a cautionary tale, full of wisdom and pertinent advice…ahahhahahaha…sorry, I couldn’t even get through that sentence. Really, all that I can hope for is that you laugh here and there…and if it keeps you from clawing your face off or distracts you at work, even better! Just do me a favor and don’t tell your boss who I am. I don’t need that kind of stress.


Anonymous said...

Happy ALMOST 1 year anniversary. But, being one of the 12 loyal readers, I feel obliged to point out that the posting on your infamous pottery barn blog is, "Monday, February 18, 2008". A quick look at today's date will show that it is only February 12th. So, I'm going to have to postpone the singing strip-o-gram and bouquet of tequila bottles until next week.

However, I think I've shared that story with half of the free world. The mental imagery is priceless.

WRPH said...

Happy 1st Birthday Lucky Paw! And thanks for the shout out Aunt. SO glad I'm here to partake of the celebratory Scotch. Bring. It. On.


If any of you out there in cyberspace can read this, please take note that I AM currently locked away in the guest room. Rescue would be appreciated, however, of you could manage to delay said rescue until I have suffered enough to furnish an appropriately emotionally tortured and introspective journal which I could then publish upon my release, win the pulitzer, travel the world on a book tour, then sell the movie rights and retire to New Zealand or Russia. I promise to give you a cut of the proceeds. And perhaps you could join me on Oprah.

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! Just think you are celebrating yourself so gift yourself appropriatly! LOVE the pic of your puppy chow. So what a fun, and easy read this has been for a year. I love your writings and always love all the memories of our very proper Mama. "Just shot me when I turn into her" quote for the day!
You may have to dedicate the book to her.....NOT!~Steph.

Ang said...

happy anniversary despite rod's truly annoying comment. semantics. it's all about the tequila and we ALL know it. so let's just call a spade a spade and fill up those shot glasses already.

AndyH said...

Happy Anniversary, Lucky Paw! Glad I "discovered" you... Izzy sends a shout out to Kylie! I will do some Cuervo shots at the bar tonight in honor of Lucky Paw. Not really a fan of Cuervo, so I hope you know what a sacrifice I am making in your honor. LOL Cheers!