Sunday, September 13, 2009

Because I like my legs...

Dear Powers That Be In the Fashion World,

I get it. You clearly hate women. Otherwise, why would LEGGINGS STILL BE IN VOGUE AFTER SEVERAL SEASONS? Will they not die? Will the damned hipsters stop flocking to American Apparel and buying them in bulk? PLEASE?

I was a child of the 80's. I remember wearing (nay - ROCKING) The Leggings ancestors, The Stirrup, with a bright-assed draw string top. Usually from, say, the Limited. After a while, the stirrup was dropped in favor of lace, zippers and other accouterments...and I find that these hideous things are back. And they are shiny, and sometimes liquidy, ripped up and being touted as the only thing you'll need to get through fall and winter. Really? Do they come with a liposuction coupon, because I fail to see the allure unless you have Gisele Bunchen's legs, and last time I checked, you couldn't purchase those on the Internet.

I respectfully decline to participate in said trend. Why would I put on something by choice that is just going to make me hate my thighs? They are nice thighs. They get my from point A to B and don't need to be shoved into something that is akin to sausage casing. I just refuse to insult them thusly.

So suck it. Especially that designer that came out with a pair of leggings in Gold Lamé and then went on to describe them as neutral. They go with everything! Pardon me, sir, but are you retarded?

Sticking to my straight legged trousers,


Ang said...

when i walked into target's clothing section tonight, i overheard a woman say "blech! really?! blousy shirts with bows tied at your neck are back?! they were ugly in the 80s and they are ugly now."

amen, sister. amen.

Teresa said...

There is a column in The New Yorker about Chicago that features fashion (I know, weird, right?) and one little phrase caught my attention: "hip little denim leggings." For real?

Anonymous said...

My favorite late 80's fashion... shoulder pads. I thought only football players wore those things.