Saturday, June 6, 2009


I know, I know, I KNOW. It’s been more than a week. I’ve had one of those spans of time when really, it was better for you all that I didn’t write. There were several doctors visits, my car was in the shop, I wasn’t sleeping. I sat each evening in front of the computer and most of what fell out of my brain was HATEFUL and FULL OF BILE and SMELLED LIKE SCALP. So, ew. It was nothing you would want to read, I promise. I just spent a lot of time telling Last Week to SOD OFF. It was about as fun as beating my laundry against river rocks or grinding my own flour. Which is to say, not very.

I’m now in Southern California, which is very good for my soul, so next week should be better. I’ve spent the past few days sleeping in, drinking good wine and basking in the company of my family. These things foster the Creative Spirit (CS™) whereas Last Week was chasing after It and trying to induce blunt force trauma to Its tender and sensitive head. Last Week was a crusty old bitch that smelled like chlorine and old mustard. Last Week was just being an asshole. This Week is cooing all sorts of lovely things into Its ears…the CS™ will be present and ready for duty. But for now, as you were. I'll get back to you on Monday.

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